We asked women and non-binary photographers to use their creativity to enter a photograph or a series of photographs that respond to the brief “Two Meters of Separation”. This could be a photograph they took while in self-isolation or one from their archives.
We are very proud to be celebrating all these amazing winners with our Equal Lens community and creative industry. Our winner and 7 finalists have been featured in the BBC News “In Pictures” online article!! Our winner has been given a profile piece in the prestigious Creative Review Magazine August 2020 issue and will receive an amazing PowerShot G5 X Mark II from our competition partner Canon. We’ll be championing all the winners on our social media channels and our website. Plus be offering our winners one on ones with creative industry commissioners.
Winner: Sophie Harris-Taylor @sophieharristaylor
1st Runner-Up - Alisa Connan @alisaconnan
2nd Runner-Up - Gabrielle Motola @gmotophotos
Highly Commended - Serena Brown @_serenabrown
Highly Commended - Vic Lentaigne @viclentaigne
Highly Commended - Bria Woods @briawoodsphotography
Highly Commended - Polly Tootal @pollytootal
Highly Commended - Tami Aftab @tamiaftab

Winner: Sophie Harris-Taylor
Image Title: Being Induced
Image Location: King's College Hospital, London, UK
Image Story: This is the bed Harris-Taylor was induced to give birth in. One of countless women to have laid there before and since, surrounded by so many others going through the same experience – all just a couple of metres apart. Each of them was screened, but hearing one another, in that hazy blur of apprehension and expectation, there was a strange camaraderie and connection between them all. It was probably the most intense day of their lives and the feelings that took place were both immediate and true of something bigger - a stillness before the impending chaos and mess.

1st Runner-Up: Alisa Connan
Image Title: Born Together, Staying Together
Image Location: London, UK
Image Story: At a time where many of us are unable to see immediate family, sets of identical twins living together are both fortunate and in a unique position. For them, living in close quarters is not a new concept. From sharing their mother's womb to sharing every birthday and major event in their lives, even sharing DNA.. their bond is one that is stronger than most of us will ever know. This image represents that deep connection at a time where we need it most.

2nd Runner-Up: Gabrielle Motola
Image Title: Woody Watching the SpaceX Launch
Image Location: Shepherd's Bush, London, UK
Image Story: Our minds have the power to close or create incredible distances. Woody looks out his window for signs of the SpaceX Dragon on London’s horizon as it travels from Cape Canaveral to the ISS the night of the launch. He is dressed as a stormtrooper because he watched Star Wars shortly before. Woody is a boy with high-function autism. Spectrum minds perceive and process the world differently to “neurotypicals”. As with our inventions allowing us to travel great physical distances or imaginative ones, we can work to close distances standing in the way of our comprehension of each other.

2nd Runner-Up: Gabrielle Motola
Image Title: Stanlake Road.
Image Location: Shepherd's Bush, London, UK
Image Story: During the COVID-19 isolation in London, I found ways of photographing without endangering myself or anyone else or being a potential burden on the healthcare system. While it may be tempting to go out and document what is happening on the street and to our society, it is far more important and helpful to abide by the guidelines and stay home for everyone's safety. So I turned my lens to the space I am in at home, and began documenting my daily life. This is my housemate Jane about to do the ironing. Our wonderful cleaner Kasha is no longer coming over to the house to clean though Jane is still paying her weekly

Highly Commended: Serena Brown
Image Title: Class of Covid-19
Image Location: London, UK
Image Story: One thing that showed the severity of the lockdown was seeing schools shut and all exams being cancelled. The years between 16-18 were when I struggled with my mental health the most and young people are now juggling a global pandemic alongside an even more elevated sense of uncertainty when it comes to their education and their future. I’ve been documenting the “Class of Covid-19”, from two meters of separation, and speaking to local young people about how they’re coping with lockdown in their final year of school. The government will be grading them based on their predicted grades which is proven to disadvantage black and minority ethnic and working class students. A lot of the girls I’ve spoken to so far understand its a very complex situation which can’t be helped but know it’s important to talk about these problems in the education system and particularly highlight the privilege private schools will have over state school students. The way the government have dealt with this crisis has allowed so many to fall through the cracks, and this series is a way of voicing the worries of a generation that are feeling lost.”

Highly Commended: Serena Brown
Image Title: Class of Covid-19
Image Location: London, UK

Highly Commended: Serena Brown
Image Title: Class of Covid-19
Image Location: London, UK

Highly Commended: Vic Lentaigne
Image Title: Kai
Image Location: Clapton, East London, UK
Image Story: This story features poet Kai shot outside their home during lockdown in Clapton, East London. The images were made to accompany a film my friend made featuring Kai reciting a poem they wrote, alongside footage filmed by various different people, all of which were created during lockdown. It was the first time I met Kai and found them captivating, it was a hot day and we had to shoot in the glaring sun as obviously had to stay outside. I found it refreshing to not have a team of people on the shoot and to just focus on trying to capture Kai's beautiful soul. We spoke about mental health, gender and lockdown difficulties and positivities and I will remember this day and shoot for the rest of my life!

Highly Commended: Bria Woods
Image Title: College on Lockdown
Image Location: Victoria, Texas, USA
Image Story: Bria Woods is a portrait photographer and photojournalist based in Texas. This photo is part of an ongoing series she is doing called The Front Steps Project. This project was started by a female photographer in Massachusetts, Cara Soulia. Photos around the US are documenting the impact of social distancing in their communities. . College on Lockdown - Roughly 100-200 students are still living on campus at the University of Houston-Victoria. They are trying to socially distance in a space that is designed for constant physical connection.

Highly Commended: Polly Tootal
Image Title: Bury. Muslim cemetery with fire burning in the background
Image Location: Waltham Forest, London, UK
Image story: Focusing on overlooked communities, this landscape series made during the lockdown is a document of how the streets of north and east London reflect the crisis within them. Looking at urban space located around the ring road A406 and surrounding areas I search for images which contain a social critique of these times.

Highly Commended: Polly Tootal
Image Title: Family. Family outside their home on an estate
Image Location: Edmonton, London, UK

Highly Commended: Polly Tootal
Image Title: Waiting. Supermarket Queue
Image Location: Walthamstow, London, UK

Highly Commended: Tami Aftab
Image Title: Tracing the Shape of Dad's Scar
Image Location: Cornwall, UK
Image Story: Tami Aftab was working on a project photographing her Dad, who suffers from a short term memory loss, before the pandemic hit. Due to both herself and her father being in high-risk groups, she had to isolate away from her home. This image shows the artist tracing the shape of her Dad's scar, finding ways to bring him into the landscape whilst they're physically apart.

Highly Commended: Tami Aftab
Image Title: Tracing the Shape of Dad's Scar
Image Location: Cornwall, UK

Highly Commended: Tami Aftab
Image Title: Tracing the Shape of Dad's Scar
Image Location: Cornwall, UK

Laura Rogers, Creative Director, adam&eveDDB & Founder of #SheTakesOver Campaign
Stephen Ledger-Lomas, Head of Production & Partner, BBH
Virgilia Facey, Senior Agent/Producer & Founder of The Colour Balance
James Gerrard-Jones, Photo Agent & Partner, Wyatt-Clarke + Jones
Jolie Hockings, Curator: Schools & Young People, The Photographers' Gallery
Nici Hofer, Photographer & Art Director, Nici + Karin
Helen Bartlett, Canon Ambassador & Family Photographer
